Hair fall (Khalitya) – An Ayurvedic Perspective by Dr. Ashutosh Joshi

Hair plays an important function in boosting a person's personality. Hair is the first aspect of attractiveness that both men and women notice. Additionally, the state of one's scalp and hair has a greater psychological effect on society. Even seemingly unimportant hair changes, such as early hair loss or greying of the hair, can have a negative impact on a person's self-esteem. While Sharngdhara saw hair as an Asthi Upadhatu (tissue), Acharya Charka thought of it as a Mala (waste product) of Asthi Dhatu (bone). The treatment of hair diseases including Khalitya (hair loss), Palitya (premature greying of hairs), Indralupta (alopecia areata), and Darunaka (dandruff), among others, is detailed in many Classics of Ayurveda. Hair, as defined by modern science, is a modified epithelial structure created as a result of keratinisation of germination cells. Hair is an epidermal appendage that is connected to the dermis. Each hair grows out of a hair follicle, which looks like a tiny pocket inside the epidermis. Aside from the palm, sole, and lips, hair can be found in every discipline of the epidermis.

Khalitya refers to the gradual loss of hair. Hair loss in khalitya is progressive and widespread across the scalp. Khalitya occurs when pitta joins with vata or kapha dosha to destroy hair. According to Acharya Charak, the body's teja dhatu (heat) combined with vayu and other doshas scorches the hair-root (scalp), giving rise to khalitya instantly. Vata-related khalitya causes burning on the scalp, pitta-related khalitya induces sweating, and kapha-related khalitya causes thickening of the skin.

Causes :

  • Due to Ushna guna of the pitta dosha, a person with pitta prakriti experiences hair loss and greying of the hair earlier than a person with other dosha prakriti.
  • Too much exposure to smoke, sunlight, mist, engaging in water sports; excessive sleep or avoiding sleep, sweating, eastern breeze or direct breeze, control of tars, excessive weeping, drinking water & wine in large quantities, etc. are causative factors of shiro roga.
  • Excessive combing during ritukala leads to hair fall in child.
  • Excessive consumption of salt and kshara leads to khalitya.
  • Improper diet or excess salt in diet consumption by pregnant lady causes khalitya early in her child due vitiation of pitta dosha.
  • Getting angry, talking & laughing too much, sneezing and over exertion after taking nasya leads to khalitya.
  • Hair loss can be caused by a decrease in asthi dhatu or asthi dhatu vitiation. As hairs are formed by waste product of asthi dhatu and hair dependent upon it for nutrition.
  • Nutritional disorders, local skin disorders, endocrinal diseases, post-acute illnesses, stress, drugs, cosmetics, and genetic predisposition are some of the causes, according to modern research.


  • Nidanparivarjan - Nidanparivarjan should be first line of management.
  • Virechana karma is extremely beneficial in the management of Khalitya.
  • Rasayana – It is best to administer Rasayana drugs (rejuvenation therapy). Premature hair loss is an indication of an impending ageing process, and Rasayana is the greatest anti-aging medication for slowing down the ageing process. Amalaki Rasayan, Shwadanshtradi Rasayan, Agastya haritaki, Kankarishta, Dwipanchmool Ghrita, Navayas lauha, and Mandoora bhasma are some of the Rasayana that can be administered in Khalitya..
  • Raktamokshana (Bloodletting - Removal of impure blood) is also a best therapy in Khalitya.
  • Acharya Charaka stated that first Vaman (emesis) and Virechan (purgation) therapy should be given, then Nasya (Administration of drugs by the route of nasal cavity) treatment and then oil for massaging hair and scalp, should be given to the patient.
  • Moordha taila – On a regular basis, oil should be applied to the scalp. It also makes the hair dark long and deeply rooted while preventing hair loss. The following oils are indicated for abhyanga in Khalitya: Mulethi + amlalaka + milk + taila paka, Chitrakadya taila, Irimedadi taila, Neeli taila, Sairiyaka taila, Mahaneel taila, Snuhyadi taila, Chandanadhya taila..
  • Nasya (Nasal Drop) – Every year throughout the rainy, autumn, and spring seasons when the sky is clear, everyone should take a nasal drop of "Anu taila." Along with a host of other advantages, it also stops hair loss and accelerated hair growth. For nasya, use the following oils: Bhrigaraja rasa + mulethi + milk + taila paka, Sahacharadi navana, Nimba taila, and Brihatyadi navana.
  • Snana (Taking Bath) – According to Acharya Sushruta, the head and hair should not be washed with very hot or cold water. Warm water applied to the head weakens the hair and eyes. A proper hair wash should be performed at least three times per week. You can wash your hair with a decoction or shampoo derived from plants like henna, bringraj, jatamansi, triphala, ghrit kumari, shikakai, motha, and brahmi, and many others.
  • Dhoomapana (Medicated Smoke) – Along with health of head & senses, dhoomapana cures the problem of hair fall by clearing the dosha from head region and also improves the firmness of hair on the head, beard & teeth.
  • Kshaurakarma – Hair cutting & proper care of hair of scalp & beard should be done regularly. Acharya charaka mentioned that everybody should have a hair - cut, shave and nail cut thrice every fortnight.
  • Ushnishka – The wearing of ushnishka (turban or cap) on head protect the hair from wind, heat, dust etc. which is pious and beneficial for hair.
  • Jalauka avacharan (Leech Therapy) is also been useful in case of khalitya.
  • Astanga Samgrah has quoted that the application of different types of Pralepas (Gunja lepa, Hastidanta masi lepa, Kutannatadi lepa) should be performed after doing Prachhana or Shuchi karma.
  • Yoga – Sarvangasan affects Cardio-vascular System, C.N.S & Thyroid Gland. It increases blood flow in the brain, which nourishes the brain and hair. Due to this, it prevents hair falling and promotes the growth of news hairs.

Hair is an essential component of the human body. It has a very high value in terms of enhancing beauty. The prevalence of hair diseases is rapidly increasing. Faulty dietary habits, a stressful lifestyle, poor nutrition, or exasperating factors all contribute to hair root function depletion. Several types of oils and Lepa for Abhyang (Massage) greatly improve blood circulation, increasing nutrition towards the hair roots and scalp. Sarvangasan also improves blood flow to the brain and prevents hair loss. Before beginning treatment for hair loss, a physician should determine the cause, and the first treatment should be Nidan parivarjana or management of that cause. Rasayana should be prescribed after other therapies such as Abhyang, lepana, shodhan, and nasya. By doing this, we can effectively treat khalitya roga, or hair loss.



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